comment *************************************************************** comment *** PASSMASS: Change system passwords 'en masse' to secure *** comment *** your system. All users, groups, and accounts *** comment *************************************************************** comment *** Jeff Kell March 1995 *** comment *************************************************************** comment Calls command file 'passacct' comment !!!!!!!!!! WARNING: YOU SHOULD PUT A LOCKWORD ON THIS FILE TO comment INSURE IT IS NOT INVOKED INADVERTANTLY!!! comment comment !!!!!!! NOTE THE NEW MANAGER.SYS PASSWORDS BEFORE LOGGING OFF! comment First, let's get a list of all accounts on the system echo PassMass: Preparing to secure the system... continue purge acctlist > $null continue purge acctlist,temp > $null report zywsdad0.@ > acctlist save acctlist comment Now build the editor commands necessary to turn the account comment list into a command file to invoke 'passacct' on every acount continue purge zzeditin > $null continue purge zzeditin,temp > $Null echo t acctlist;dq 1/3;dq last-1/last;cq9/80,"",all > zzeditin echo c1,"passacct ",all;k;e >> zzeditin editor < zzeditin > $null echo PassMass: Setup finished; processing accounts.. continue xeq acctlist echo echo ***** System is now completely secured. ***** echo ***** Be SURE to get your new passwords ***** echo ***** before you log off !!! *****