PARM SIZE="#" OPTION NOLIST NOHELP SETVAR SIZE "!SIZE" IF UPS("!SIZE") <> "SMALL" AND & UPS("!SIZE") <> "LARGE" AND & "!SIZE" <> "132" AND "!SIZE" <> "80" ECHO ECHO This command file will allow you to change the screen ECHO viewing size of your terminal. You can have characters ECHO displayed in 80 column (LARGE) or 132 column (small). ECHO ECHO SYNTAX: ECHO ECHO SCREEN [SIZE] ECHO ECHO [SMALL] - Will display characters on your screen ECHO or [132] in 132 column format. ECHO ECHO [LARGE] - Will display characters on your screen ECHO or [80] in 80 column format. ECHO ECHO [?????] - Anything other than SMALL or LARGE will ECHO display this information on your screen. ECHO ECHO Created by Larry Barnes ECHO ELSE IF UPS("!SIZE") = "SMALL" OR "!SIZE" = "132" ECHO ![CHR(27)]&w6f132X ELSE ECHO ![CHR(27)]&w6f80X ENDIF DELETEVAR SIZE ENDIF