PARM recip_addr,mailbox='',mailpass='',fid,subj='Message Subject',urg="N" comment comment SENDHTML.XEQ comment Author: Chris Bartram comment Modified: 01/07/2003 comment comment This command file sends the file identified by 'spid' as an comment *html* file to the mailbox 'recip_addr'. comment comment spid can be either: Onnn or nnn --> an MPE Spoolfile comment or comment filename[.grp[.acct]] -->MPE text file comment comment If 'recip_addr' starts with a "^", then it's treated as a filename comment from which a list of email addresses is read, one per line comment comment The mailbox used to send the message (from) is identified by the comment 'mailbox' variable, and that mailbox' password by 'mailpass' comment comment Example usage: comment (assuming this file is called 'sendhtml.xeq') comment :XEQ sendhtml.xeq,admin,Apass,6702,'Quarterly Report' comment if bound(netmail_mailbox) then setvar save_netmail_mailbox "!netmail_mailbox" else setvar save_netmail_mailbox "*" endif if bound(netmail_mailbox_pwd) then setvar save_netmail_mailbox_pwd "!netmail_mailbox_pwd" else setvar save_netmail_mailbox_pwd "*" endif setvar netmail_mailbox '!mailbox' setvar netmail_mailbox_pwd '!mailpass' setjcw netmailsigprompt=2 setvar _urgflag ups("!urg") setvar _spoofle FALSE IF (numeric("!fid")) OR ((lft(ups("!fid"),1)="O") AND & numeric(rht("!fid",len("!fid")-1))) then setvar _spoofle TRUE ENDIF IF !_spoofle THEN IF ups(lft("!fid",1))<>"O" THEN setvar spid "/HPSPOOL/OUT/O!fid" ELSE setvar spid ups("/HPSPOOL/OUT/!fid") endif ELSE setvar spid "!fid" ENDIF setvar sprecs finfo("!spid","EOF")+100 comment (we gave sprecs a few extra records in case it's still growing) continue purge recplist,temp > $NULL build recplist;temp;rec=-80,,f,ascii;disc=1000;msg file rcp=recplist,oldtemp;acc=append file rcpin=recplist,oldtemp;acc=in IF lft("!recip_addr",1)="^" THEN comment read file to get list of recipients print ![rht("!recip_addr",len("!recip_addr")-1)];page=0;out=*rcp ELSE echo !recip_addr >> *RCP ENDIF setvar numrcpts finfo("recplist","EOF") IF !numrcpts<1 THEN echo echo No recipients provided echo SETVAR cmcm1t1 0 RETURN ENDIF continue purge report,temp > $null build report;temp;rec=-256,,f,ascii;disc=!sprecs;code=2133 file r=report,oldtemp;acc=append file htmlrep=report,oldtemp echo !!! >> *r comment comment we print the spoolfile, starting at record #3 to get past the comment initial CCTL codes at the beginning of the spool file comment IF !_spoofle THEN file sptemp=sptemp;dev=disc;disc=!sprecs continue xeq /bin/cat !spid > *sptemp reset sptemp print sptemp;page=0;out=*r purge sptemp,temp > $NULL ELSE print !spid;page=0;out=*r ENDIF CONTINUE PURGE tmpx,temp > $NULL IF "!_urgflag"="Y" THEN ECHO SEND *htmlrep;URGENT >> tmpx ELSE ECHO SEND *htmlrep >> tmpx ENDIF ECHO >> tmpx ECHO !subj >> tmpx setjcw i=0 WHILE i> tmpx setjcw i=i+1 ENDWHILE ECHO // >> tmpx ECHO EXIT >> tmpx continue deletevar cmcm@ > $NULL RUN NETMAIL.SYS.THREEK,BATCH;STDIN=TMPX;STDLIST=$NULL continue PURGE TMPX,TEMP > $NULL continue purge recplist,temp > $NULL comment comment if this message was sent successfully, then the jcw comment CMCM1T1 = 1 comment M1 designates 1st message for this execution comment T1 designates 1st To: recipient for this message comment '1' = successful; anything else indicates a problem with this comment recipient comment if "!save_netmail_mailbox"="*" then deletevar netmail_mailbox else setvar netmail_mailbox "!save_netmail_mailbox" endif deletevar save_netmail_mailbox if "!save_netmail_mailbox_pwd"="*" then deletevar netmail_mailbox_pwd else setvar netmail_mailbox_pwd "!save_netmail_mailbox_pwd" endif deletevar save_netmail_mailbox_pwd continue purge report,temp > $NULL reset r reset htmlrep if bound(cmcm1t1) then if cmcm1t1>0 then echo Message Successfully sent else echo Invalid recipient address(es) endif else echo Problem running NetMail endif continue deletevar _urgflag > $NULL continue deletevar _spoofle > $NULL continue deletevar _sprecs > $NULL continue deletevar _numrcpts > $NULL continue deletevar _spid > $NULL