parm spoofle,outdev=$,start=0,end=0 # FILENAME: SPLPRINT.XEQ - Joe Geiser # # Command file to execute the MPE Print command # for a NM spoofle in OUT.HPSPOOL. Optional # parameters include output device, starting line # number, and ending line number. setvar spooflnum,ups("!spoofle") if "!spooflnum" = "H" echo SPLPRINT command options............... echo :SPLPRINT nnn [,*offline[,startline[,endline]]] echo Where: echo #Onnn is the output spoofle to be displayed. echo *offline is an optional offline device to send echo the listing to. Default is $STDLIST. *offline echo is an offline listing device of your choice as echo defined in a prior file equation (eg, IDPPRINT). echo startline is an optional sequential line to start echo displaying the spoofle. echo endline is an optinal sequential line to stop echo displaying the spoofle. else echo Type ':SPLPRINT H' for help. if "![str("!spooflnum",1,1)]" <> "O" setvar spooflnum,"O"+"!spooflnum" endif setvar sprint,"print "+"!spooflnum"+".out.hpspool" if "!outdev" <> "$" setvar sprint,"!sprint"+";out="+"!outdev" endif if "!start" <> "0" setvar sprint,"!sprint"+";start="+"!start" endif if "!end" <> "0" setvar sprint,"!sprint"+";end="+"!end" endif !sprint deletevar spooflnum,sprint endif