System Variable Documentation To set up the directory that the system variables will reside in, log on as MANAGER.SYS and issue the following two commands NEWDIR /SYS/SYSTEMVAR ALTSEC /SYS/SYSTEMVAR;REPPAIR=(TD,RD,CD,DD,RACD:@.@) These will set up a directory for the System variables and give it the proper security needed. There are three command files you will now need. 1. SETSVAR 2. GETSVAR 3. DELSVAR The SETSVAR command will set the system variable. The GETSVAR command will get the system variable and set a local variable with the same name to that value. And the DELSVAR will of course delete the system variable. The three command files should be located in a group that is in your path. The way these work is that when you issue a SETSVAR command it will create a file with the name you stated as the variable and will add one line to the file that is the value that you set. For example. SETSVAR THIS_IS_THE_NAME "HOW ARE YOU" This will create a file in the /SYS/SYSTEMVAR/ directory with the name THIS_IS_THE_NAME and will have one record with the line HOW ARE YOU. When you do a GETSVAR THIS_IS_THE_NAME. It will read this file and set the local variable THIS_IS_THE_NAME to HOW ARE YOU. So as you see in order to use a system variable you have to "get" it first and then use the local variable of the same name. So far this has worked very well for us. We use it to pass status information between jobs and to save critical pieces of information that would otherwise be lost as soon as the job ended. If you find this useful I would appreciate an e-mail just to let me know you liked or disliked it. John Krussel Nordstrom 600 University Suite 600 Seattle WA 98101 e-mail: