parm hostname,numdays=3, # # Author: Chris Bartram # Name: SyslogR # Last Updated: 03/16/2005 # Generate syslog report from console log records for the # specified hostname and the last 'numdays' days # Especially useful when you run Syslog/iX locally and # log events to the system console log: # -configure remote Unix/Linux systems to send their syslog events # to this host's syslog server # -install freeware like ev2nt on Windows systems to forward their # system event log entries to this host's syslog server # Execute this report daily to send a custom report for each # server of it's logged events to the system admin(s) # # Command file parameters: # *hostname; we pull console records containing this host name # *numdays; we pull records from the logs for this number of # days past (i.e. 3=last 3 days) # *dist; name of file containing email addresses to send the # report to (for NetMail/3000, one addreess per line, # plain ascii text file) # # Uses VESoft's VEAudit to extract console log records # Uses QUAD.UTIL.SYS for editing/formatting extracted file # Uses the BACKDAYS.XEQ.SYS command file to generate date CIVars # Uses SENDHTML.XEQ.SYS command file to email the resulting report # Uses '' file (if present) to add optional site-specific # strings to exclude from the report- which must be 'grep' compatible # # Operational note; note that quad editing batches are split into # two batches, to avoid problems with workfile overflows when working # with very large extract files. # setvar mylogon rtrim("!hpuser")+"."+rtrim("!hpaccount")+","+rtrim("!hpgroup") # # customize the following 'mydomain' civar to be the fully qualified domain # name on your server # setvar mydomain "" setvar _hostnameu ups("!hostname") continue purge secrpt00 > $NULL build secrpt00;rec=-256,,f,ascii;disc=150000 file seclist=secrpt00,old;acc=append;dev=disc;NOCCTL file secout=secrpt00,old;acc=append;dev=disc;NOCCTL xeq backdays.xeq.sys !numdays echo Start Time=!hphhmmssmmm continue xeq & 'veaudit listlog console @.@;search=(message matches "@!hostname@" and date>=today-!numdays)' > *SECOUT echo Extract Completed at Time=!hphhmmssmmm continue purge quadin > $NULL continue purge quadin,temp > $NULL echo t secrpt00:u > quadin echo find "!backdt4" >> quadin echo d 1/*-1 >> quadin echo deblank all >> quadin echo keep;exit >> quadin echo yes >> quadin run quad.util.sys < QUADIN echo Time=!hphhmmssmmm if finfo('','exists') then continue PURGE SYSLOGPX > $NULL continue PURGE SYSLOGPX,temp > $NULL setvar _syslogpeof finfo('SYSLOGP.DATA','eof') build syslogPX;rec=-80,,f,ascii;disc=!_syslogpeof file syslgpx=syslogpx,old;acc=append grep.hpbin.sys "-v '^#' ../DATA/SYSLOGP" > *SYSLGPX reset syslgpx setvar _syslogpeof finfo('SYSLOGPX','eof') if !_syslogpeof>0 then continue purge syslogxx > $NULL build syslogxx;rec=-80,,f,ascii;msg;disc=!_syslogpeof file syslogou=syslogxx,old;acc=append;dev=disc file syslogin=syslogxx,old;acc=in;dev=disc fcopy from=SYSLOGPX;to=*syslogou > $NULL continue PURGE SYSLOGPX > $NULL continue PURGE SYSLOGPX,TEMP > $NULL file secrpt=secrpt0x,old;acc=out while !_syslogpeof>0 do setvar _secdisc finfo('secrpt00','eof')+1 input _syslogi < *syslogin # # echo the input line back out and re-read it, so any mpe CIVars in # the line get dereferenced # echo !_syslogi > syslogxo input _syslogi < syslogxo continue purge syslogxo,temp > $NULL if lft("!_syslogi",1)<>"#" then setvar _syslogi rtrim('!_syslogi') echo egrep.hpbin.sys '-v "!_syslogi" ./SECRPT00' continue purge secrpt0x > $NULL build secrpt0x;rec=-256,,f,ascii;disc=!_secdisc egrep.hpbin.sys '-v "!_syslogi" ./SECRPT00' > *SECRPT setvar _before finfo("secrpt00","eof") setvar _after finfo("secrpt0X","eof") echo Filter: Number of records Before:!_before After:!_after deletevar _before deletevar _after purge secrpt00 rename secrpt0x,secrpt00 endif setvar _syslogpeof !_syslogpeof-1 echo grep completed at Time=!hphhmmssmmm endwhile reset secrpt endif reset syslogin reset syslogou deletevar _syslogpeof deletevar _syslogi continue purge syslogxx > $NULL endif # # final cleanup; remove hostname, mgr.syslog text # continue purge quadin > $NULL continue purge quadin,temp > $NULL echo t secrpt00:u >> quadin echo c "MGR PUB SYSLOG","" a >> quadin echo c "MGR PUB ","" a >> quadin echo c "!hostname.!mydomain ","" a >> quadin echo c " JSYSLOGD ","" a >> quadin echo keep >> quadin echo yes >> quadin echo t secrpt00:u >> quadin echo deblank all >> quadin echo c 10/25,"" a >> quadin echo keep;exit >> quadin echo yes >> quadin run quad.util.sys < QUADIN echo Final cleanup completed at Time=!hphhmmssmmm xeq backdays.xeq.sys 0 continue purge secrpt00,temp > $NULL if finfo("secrpt00","EOF")>0 then continue xeq sendhtml.xeq.sys ^!dist,,,secrpt00,& 'Syslog Events from !hostname for !backdt2 (last !numdays days)' endif continue purge quadin > $NULL continue purge quadin,temp > $NULL purge secrpt00 > $NULL deletevar _hostnameu reset seclist reset secout