
  • These classifieds are intended for use by anyone who wish to place ads that are related to the HP3000.
  • There is no charge to place an ad unless it contains material deemed offensive by the webmaster.  Offensive material includes the seven dirty words, nude graphics including art and text or graphics that is negative or damaging toward anyone!
  • We do capture the IP address of the postee and we will post the address of anyone abusing this service, as well as make it available to the appropriate authorities.
  • There is an approximate limit of 5,000 characters for each ad...please remember this.
  • HTML tags are no longer allowed.
  • Any jobs posted may not start appearing in any search results immediately.   However, they should appear within 24 hours.
  • Neither Business CyberLink or 3k Associates are responsible for the content and/or accuracy of any ads that are posted.
  • The webmaster reserves the right to change any part of the Job Posting Database system and/or the conditions of use at his discretion.
  • In the event of service abuse posting eligibility will be terminated for the abuser until further notice.
Thank you for taking the time to read our disclaimer. We hope you find this service useful and visit often. Tell your friends and co-workers and, as always, thanks for visiting!

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c Copyright 1996 Business CyberLink, a Division of 3k Associates, Inc.