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Managing HP 3000 Systems-for Complete Novices
by George Stachnik

A series of 23 articles on the basics of managing 3000 systems.

  1. Managing HP 3000 Systems-for Complete Novices
    Part 1: Let's Begin at the Beginning

    Because there is a need for some entirely new material to introduce novices to the HP 3000, Interact begins a series of articles on the basics of managing 3000 systems.
  2. Managing HP 3000 Systems-for Complete Novices
    Part 2: The Classic MPE File System

    Because most MPE applications were designed and built under the constraints of the classic MPE V file system, it's important to understand the structure and rules of that file system.
  3. Managing the HP 3000 - for Complete Novices
    Part3: Program Capabilities

    The first of two articles having focused on the framework of the MPE system, Part 3 turns to tools used to manage the framework and the programs operating in it.
  4. The HP 3000-for Complete Novices
    Part 4: "The Rules" for Managing Program Capabilities

    How to use the rules for managing capabilities associated with accounts, groups, programs, and users on your HP 3000 system.
  5. The HP 3000-for Complete Novices
    Part 5: OP Capabilities

    George Stachnik continues his series of articles with an explanation of how to back up your data and maintain the security of your system.
  6. The HP 3000 - for Complete Novices
    Part 6: Introduction to MPE/iX Security

    At least two special capabilities - AL and GL - are central to an understanding of the MPE security structure.
  7. The HP 3000 for Complete Novices
    Part 7: Open Systems File Security

    The open side of MPE security.
  8. The HP 3000 for Complete Novices
    Part 8: Access Control Definitions

    The ACD mechanism provides flexibility beyond that allowed by the proprietary security matrix, bringing the behavior of MPE more into line with open standards.
  9. The HP 3000-for Complete Novices
    Part 9: Software Development-Editors

    In Part 9 of this series of articles, Stachnik begins an examination of HP 3000 software development by discussing how to create source code.
  10. The HP 3000 - for Complete Novices
    Part 10: Software Development - Compilers

    In Part 10 of the series, the author continues his discussion of program development on the HP 3000 by discussing compilers.
  11. The HP 3000 - For Complete Novices
    Part 11: Software Libraries

    The author continues his series with a look at the uses of system and user software libraries.
  12. The HP 3000 - For Complete Novices
    Part 12: Working with Software Libraries

    Continuing last month's topic, Stachnik shows how to create, compile, and link programs that employ software libraries.
  13. The HP 3000 - For Complete Novices, Part 13
    In this installment of the series the author covers the generation and manipulation of files, with a look at file types and attributes.
  14. The HP 3000 - for Complete Novices
    Part 14: File Equations and Sizes

    In this installment of his series Stachnik discusses how to determine and set file sizes and capacities.
  15. The HP 3000 - for Complete Novices
    Part 15: The Life Expectancy of a File

    Stachnik continues his overview of the way files are structured and manipulated on the 3000. This month he considers temporary and permanent files.
  16. The HP 3000 - For Complete Novices
    Part 16: Accessing Files
  17. The HP 3000 - For Complete Novices
    Part 17: Using Intrinsics
  18. The HP 3000 - For Complete Novices
    Part 18: An Introduction to IMAGE/SQL
  19. The HP 3000 - For Complete Novices
    Part 19: The Heart of IMAGE/SQL: Schemas
  20. The HP 3000 - For Complete Novices
    Part 20: Schemas, Continued
  21. The HP 3000 - For Complete Novices
    Part 21: Creating a Database Root File
  22. The HP 3000 - For Complete Novices
    Part 22: Working With Datasets
  23. The HP 3000 - For Complete Novices
    Part 23: IMAGE/SQL Application Design